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Thursday, July 29, 2004Battle of the Network Stars
Okay, so I didn't get to watch any of the convention coverage last night. I've not lived up to my patriotic duty. Neither, apparently did most Americans. I've heard and read story after story this week about how the big three networks have decided to cut back their coverage. And, y'know, it's absolutely fine. PBS does a great job, so I personally say that Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw (plus whatever trained monkey is covering the convention for FOX) can stay the fuck home and let their networks show Who Wants to Completely Lose Their Dignity or whatever piece of dung-encrusted reality trash they want.
Meanwhile, back in New York, my sketch troupe and I have found ourselves in a bit of a quandary. We're doing an anti-Bush show during the Republican National Convention and are trying to figure out what to call it. Initially, we were going with Lick Bush, but, dammit, I think that's just too bumper-stickery. So I'm asking for your help. Do any of these catch your eye/ear/genitals? Bush Bash Kill the President...With Love George W. Puffenstuff Right Wing Hootenany Alphonse D'amato's Persecution Parade I Came to the Republican National Convention and All I Got Was This Lousy President Agit-Props to the Peeps Three Purple Hearts, You Cowardly Fuckbag Laura Bush Douching Cheney's Clogged Artery Fuck the Right Honkeys for Sharpton Centrist Flapjacks Revenge of the Sith Hey! This Isn't the Lion King! Get Out the Vote and Shove It Up Your Ass Bush Has Crotch Rot Tepid Political Humor Tic Tac Dough The Chucklenuts Go Loony What do you think? Anything standing out? No? Damn.
I came to the convention one is good, I should say.
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Ditto with Puffenstuff. Let us know when the show is. How did your wife do on the Bar?
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