So this Boy Scout was missing in Utah for four days in the wilderness and today he's found alive and well, supposedly because he relied on his scouting skills to keep him healthy in the forest.
This is such bullshit. You know what this kid was doing for four days? Drinking booze and chasing whores, that's what. He was getting liquored up every night and shtupping loose women all day. Merit badge? Hah!
We at Hairshirt demand the truth! What were you really doing, Mr. Scouty? Are you "prepared" for the public to know what was going on in those woods? Coward! Come out and face the press! Don't hide behind your "injuries".
You mark my words: it's going to come out what this little cretin was up to and then the world is going to see these brown-shirted pervs for what they really are--brownshirted pervs.