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Sunday, July 10, 2005Question of the Day
I've been up since 4:30 this morning and my brain hasn't quite kicked in yet. I don't seem capable of a lot of coherent thinking. I'm just reacting to things; slowly reacting.
There is, for instance, some joy creeping up in me since I found out that the Indians finally took a game from the Yankees last night, after dropping the first two games. I hate to see Cleveland lose, but there's just something exceptionally depressing when they get beaten by New York. My thinking isn't being helped any by a lower back that has started inexplicably hurting. Most of the time, when I have back issues, there's an awareness; a moment when I know it's happening. For example, I'll be picking up a hundred-pound bag of dried garbanzos and suddenly realize that I didn't bend properly and there'll be a sort of snapping sound and I think, "Say, I think I'm about to experience massive pain." This thought is generally followed by massive pain. This time, though, it snuck up on me. So I'm being distracted by that. I'm also trying to write while listening to Weekend Edition. Normally I write while playing my favorite Debbie Gibson album, so this news thing is distracting. I don't, however, want to miss The Puzzler, so I'll have to put up with it. Another thing that's freakin' me a little--and keeping my mind from being as razor sharp (or at least butter-knife sharp) as it normally is--is the dream I had last night that I was in the kitchen at McDonald's. I wasn't working there in this dream. I was there for one of those undefined dream reasons, like I was writing a story on it or God told me I had to be there. The kids who worked at McDonald's (the "Crew Kids") were teasing me about something. I was, at least, wearing pants in the dream. A pantsless dream set in a McDonald's kitchen would just raise way too many issues about my subconscious mind. In the dream, McDonald's was test-marketing a Thai Burger. That's a scary thought, no? Anyway, I write all this as an explanation for why I'm not writing much today. Instead of attempting to examine an issue or weave a story of some sort, I thought I'd take today to simply pose a question. You don't have to answer; just let it play in your mind. I'm not looking to start a dialogue, but to spark thought. So here it is: If the technology existed during his life-time, what would Christ have Tivo'd?
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