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Tuesday, July 19, 2005


R.I.P. Jim Aparo

Jim Aparo died today. He's the comic book artist who drew Batman when I was a teenager and completely into collecting comic books. Over the course of his long career, he drew most of the DC heroes in one book or another. At the time, I wasn't all that crazy about his work. It seemed kind of dull in comparison to Todd McFarlane and other younger artists who did showier stuff. It wasn't art that grabbed a reader by the throat and said, "Hey! I'm an amazing comic book artist! Look at me! Look at me!" That's not the kind of artist Aparo was. He was more interested in telling the story.

Today, when I think of Batman--which is often, by the way--I think of Aparo's version. A thin man with a longish face and sad eyes; long, pointy bat ears atop his cowl. He also drew a great Aquaman, often with his wavy hair blowing in the sea breeze.

There are a lot of comic book artists--especially today--whose work is indistinguishable from a dozen others. But when you see a Jim Aparo drawing, you know who did it. He had his own style and it influenced generations of comics artists that came after. I realize anyone who's never picked up a comic book doesn't know who the heck Jim Aparo was. They missed out.

Those were the years I read Batman obsessively, too. Nice tribute, Joe.
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