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Monday, December 12, 2005


That's the Week That Was

Last week was, without exaggeration, one of the most intense/eventful/insert superlative here weeks I've ever had. Just so very, very much going on and so much shit I had to deal with. Woof.

My show, as I've written, opened. It went well all in all, but there were some bumps along the way. The biggest bump--really more of a median strip than a bump--was that one of our actors, as the final rehearsals progressed from Monday to Wednesday, went from looking a little under the weather to looking like a partially rotted reanimated corpse. One of the other cast-members finally talked him into going to the hospital, where he found out that he had to have his appendix removed. On the day the show opened. I got the call at seven in the morning and then got to spend a fun, fun day on my cell phone, coordinating the changes with my cast, reassigning parts and cutting whole sketches. Then I got to use my prep periods to memorize three scenes. Yee-haw.

It took a bit of wind out of our sails opening night; a night further de-winded by a relatively small (yet happy and friendly) opening night audience. Things picked up Friday, though, with a boisterous crowd who clearly had a good time and a Saturday that saw us very nearly sold out. Which was nice.

At the same time, I was dealing with other issues...

Wednesday, the monitor of our computer croaked. Just upped and died. Gave up the ghost while I was leisurely viewing Maybe my monitor was a Republican. Anyway, so I did without all Wednesday and then had to make a mad dash to Circuit City on the day my show opened so I could use my computer to cobble together a program for the show, which I'd neglected to do in the weeks before, when my PC was more or less functional. I'm a stupid-head.

Then, on Friday, I got home and learned that someone had taken $500 out of my checking account. Let me clarify: I have not lost an ATM card. This was not a case of someone using my card number and expiration date to make a purchase on line; they got cash at a Times Square ATM. I've never been to the ATM that this mystery douchebag used to pilfer my funds, so the possibility that I--in a mind-numbing feat of uber-tardedness--walked away from the bank machine when it was asking if I wanted to make another transaction. I've never written down my PIN, nor shared the number with a bar-full of drunks while on a bender.

So this means that someone managed to steal information from my card; make a duplicate of it and figure out my PIN. Neither the dipshit operator I spoke with initially at Washington Mutual nor the fraud investigator with whom I spoke this morning had any idea how this person could have done it. Apparently, stealing info from a card is relatively easy, but they haven't had too many cases of people using them to take out cash.

What makes this especially frustrating is that I--being perpetually broke--didn't even have $500 in my account at the time. But because of my overdraft protection, WaMu just let them take out 5cs. Fucking,
I've never been able to take out more money than I have in my account. Why the fuck did this prick get to?

So that was fun.

There's more of course. Holiday preparations, cleaning for a family visit, the hijacking of half of my teaching time at work, etc. But I'll get into that at a later time. For right now, I'm just happy to be here.

That's an interesting post. Some new things in your life. I hope for some changes, too.
I cut you.
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