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Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Hairshirt Horoscope

Aries: You are made inexplicably uneasy by the new tag line in the Cheese Nips ad. For some reason, "When you love Nips, it shows" strikes you as less a compelling advertisement and more as a call to arms for breast fetishists.

Taurus: Despite the certainty you feel on this subject, your actions are not--repeat, not--controlled by a tiny gnome that lives in your elbow.

Gemini: The stars are compelling you to bet your wife's retirement savings on Pittsburgh beating the spread next week. Right. Blame the stars, you pathetic shithead.

Cancer: This week, you find yourself sorely tempted to crap in your pants just to see how it feels.

Leo: Right now, Leo, you're feeling like the Mona Lisa: an object of beauty hung up for the adoration of the masses, but never knowing the comfort of a warm and private home. Actually, you're more like a Pamela Anderson poster, but feel free to maintain your delusions.

Virgo: Is there a point to living now that Mario Lemieux has retired? You're honestly not sure.

Libra: A penguin swallows your car keys today, giving you yet another reason to hate those waddling little fucks.

Scorpio: Today, after years and years of soul-searching and pondering the important questions of the universe, you finally arrive at your answer: you actually prefer Picard to Kirk.

Sagittarius: Bear in mind this week, Sagittarius, that the ancient Peloponnesians regarded cold sores as a sign of prosperity.

Capricorn: Nachos are tasty. Tasty, tasty nachos.

Aquarius: You're pretty sure you find very subtle satanic messages hidden in the sound track to Finding Nemo.

Pisces: You are really turned on by Paul Wolfowitz. Maybe this is a good time to explore why that is. Perhaps with the help of a qualified psychoanalyst.

i was sure about it the last time he retired. (and i was in elementary school) cue some parody song in the pittsburgh area to the tune of American Pie..."Bye Bye French-Canadian guy..."
You know what? They so are! You're a natural.
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