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Monday, November 20, 2006Stop the Madness (of the grocery sort)
I haven't cooked an entire meal for Thanksgiving in five years. And when I did it that time, it was a decidedly half-assed affair, as I had a wife in law school who was basically just taking some time off from studying to throw back some stuffing and such.
Prior to that less-than-auspicious meal, I'd always been with my family or my wife's family. Since then, we've always had Thanksgiving dinner with one group of friends or another. This year, though, we're on our own for the first time in awhile and I'm feeling the pressure. We're vegetarians, so there will be no actual turkey. I wanted a good substitute, though, and my friend Deni swears up and down by Quorn's roast, which is a vaguely turkey-ish product. Whole Foods, naturally, was out of them tonight, so I had to settle for a Tofurkey, about which I'm not wildly optimistic. Life would be so much easier if we hated animals. On top of that, I didn't get to the store this weekend, as I was planning on ordering this week's groceries online. There's a service in New York called FreshDirect. It's your standard online grocery store like people had all over the country before the dotcom bust. (I'm assuming more than just the one in Seattle went out of business during the tech crash.) It's okay, but I've stopped using them in favor of an awesome grocery store about a ten-minute drive from here that has fresher produce and less packaging. This week, though, I was looking forward to the convenience of online shopping. I don't like to go to the stores for a week's worth of food when the stores are all in utter fucking chaos. So naturally, every single fucking delivery slot for tomorrow and Wednesday is already full. Well, almost every slot. There's one open from 2-4 tomorrow, so if I wanted to call in sick, I could stay here for the convenient grocery delivery. So now I have to go to the store tomorrow, come home, work out and make four pumpkin pies. I'm feeling bitter, people. I'm feeling nihlistic. I'm feeling 7UP.
Hi...I just wanted to say that I would totally sympathise...if I wasn't dead to you! :P
Going to make my Hawaiian Sweet Bread again this year, but only for people who count me among the living. Happy Thanksgiving!
Does it really surprise you that all the delivery times are taken on Thanksgiving week? I hate to say it, but uh...you should have known.
i ordered a Turkey Dinner from FreshDirect and they didnt deliver the turkey. They suck! When they did show up, they were 2 hours late.
Those bastards!
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Sophie and CL, I hope you both had a lovely Thanksgiving, even though you've chosen to not be as supportive of my grocery dilemma as you might have been. *sniff* *whimper*
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