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Saturday, June 09, 2007Da Doo Doo Doo
I really hate my mind. I mean, sure, I get some enjoyment out of it from time to time when it, say, shows me a picture of Dick Cheney in assless chaps. But it more often just annoys me.
One key way my mind pisses me off is when it insists on fixating on a piece of music. This happens to a lot of people, I know, and I don't know how many of them blame the music itself. Kind of stupid, if you ask me. The music can't help being catchy, can it? Now, I don't know if it works the same for everybody, but there are two ways that I get a song stuck in my head. There's the organic way, in which I hear a song somewhere (on the radio, from a passing car window, in a porn flick) and then it just lingers with me long after it's over. The other way, which is more frustrating and the reason that I so deeply hate my brain, is when a song just pops in there out of nowhere. I may not have heard the song for fifteen years, but a random synapse fires somewhere beneath my scalp and suddenly I'm humming "Hello Dolly." Actually, "Hello Dolly" rarely finds its way into my head, because even the tiniest association with Carol Channing is automatically rerouted to the joke section of my brain so I can get a chuckle from the "I don't remember having corn" story. Anyway, I got a song stuck in there yesterday and it got me thinking about the music that tends to pop into my cerebrum most often. This is, again, the completely unbidden, have-not-just-heard-it music, the sudden appearance of which seems to have no rhyme or reason. There are about five of them.
Science may never find the anti-TMBG-earworm. Maybe it's Ween. Maybe it's 80s-era Heart.
There are some things man isn't meant to know.
The Circus Song...it pops into my mind unbidden and at the weirdest times, like during sex. Then it stays, sometimes for days. I hate that.
Oddly enough, Mr. Sandman is a song that plagues (or pleasantly haunts) my wife all the time.
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Hey, maybe her earworms are my cures and my earworms are her cures. How symbiotic! By the way, I actually hate the term "earworm" because it just reminds me too much of Wrath of Khan. *shiver*
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