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Tuesday, November 18, 2008Letter to My Son #4Dear Kid, So, today is your one-month birthday. Thirty-one days ago, little man, you were born. You are utterly delightful. You're a little calmer. Or maybe you mom and I have gotten a little better at calming you down--mostly your mom. Nearly entirely your mom. This was a big weekend for both of us. Three out of your four grandparents were in town. In fact, your Grandpa Wack met you for the first time. He was duly impressed. Your cousin, Riley, came, too, although your mom and I hardly recognized him, as he's grown a whole lot since April. We went to MoMA, where you saw your first Miro. And where I used my first public changing table. What a good time we had there. I don't know how anyone could have more fun in a public restroom. A little while later, the whole lot of us visited the only Starbuck's in the city that doesn't have a changing table in their restroom...and so another first: I changed you on a wooden chair as a crowd of people slurped frothy coffee drinks. And now you've turned a month old. As my dear old grandfather used to say, "Holy goddamn shit!" Seeing your cousin really hammered home how quickly all this changes. First you'll start eating something other than your mom's milk. Then your poop will start to smell. Then you'll be off to college to earn a degree that won't get you a decent job. It's gonna be one giant blur of outgrown clothes and music I don't like and it's going to pass by me in the blink of a goddamn eye. Lyrics from Fiddler on the Roof suddenly have meaning in my life. Ain't that a bitch?
Yes, you'll hate his music. I feel sorry for my kids who hit their music discernment age in the 80s - Duran Duran and Madonna. Poor kids.
Jesus, am I going to have to spend the next 40 years or so telling you "I told you so" constantly? Lol...yep, part of me yearns for the 3 a.m. feedings and the absence of mobility. But, Riley's age is so great, too, I wish I had one of him at every stage...lol, of course, that would make for a pretty full house.
Can't wait to see you guys in a week! Sis
Oh, wow, he's ADORABLE.
And yeah, it does go by that fast, but you forgot the part where he'll start asking you for money and then you have to teach him to drive your car.
I think that hat is adorable and the baby is so dang cute I could scream, but I gotta tell you - you're going to have to apologize for that picture some day. Trust me.
Holy crap, he's cute.
Should I be worried that my husband pretty much has that same exact hat? I'm confused.
I, personally, prefer, changing diapers on bus seats.
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"Have baby blanket. Will travel," is what that outfit says. That is the squishiest, cutest, baby evah!
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